About Me

For More Than a Decade,

For More Than Two Decades,

For More Than a Life,

I have always been in love with art and beauty! This is how I found myself over time, frantically touching the pages of books, listening to music with deep emotion, displaying a tender smile in the game of life, vibrating with strength and empathizing with others.

I love photography because it is part of me and defines me. I love photography because I found in it my way of expressing myself, because it gives me the chance to create something beautiful and together with you we can change the face of the world.

At first I took photos for myself, then I thought it was worth seeing by everyone so that we can all enjoy those unique moments, transported into an image.

The poetry of the moment, the way you can say a lot in silence is magic, and magic must be shared to have value.

Constantin M. Bordian

The photograph represents the story that I fail to tell in words.”

– Destiny Sparks

Constantin M. Bordian


The traveler is happy with the road…so says an old saying! And when you have a camera with you, the joy of being able to offer others pieces of what you encounter is even greater. Bringing art into the journey, the latter turns into a special cultural value.


I didn’t decide to be a photographer, I just happened to fall into this world. Photography is a world I fell in love with, more and more, with every touch of the camera button. It brought me the peace of mind and soul I was looking for a long time ago.

Constantin M. Bordian
Constantin M. Bordian


I became part of PILGRIM Movement because I felt the need to take my nature to a higher level and for the sense of joy that comes with helping other people. PILGRIM Movement is just an organization that cannot function without people and I am certain that with our help it can change the world.

My World

Photography is a world I fell in love with, more and more, with every touch of the camera button.
It brought me the peace of mind and soul that I was looking for long ago.

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